Movies In 2012
The drama has Okada playing the part of Shiba Kengo a pure-hearted young surgeon who is dedicated to his work. He gets transferred from a prestigious university hospital to a financially troubled hospital but there he meets a capable and cool-headed chief nurse named Kasugai Yuka Nakatani who teaches him the reality of the medical world. The pure Kengo must face various obstacles and...
The story revolves around the 38-year-old Usa Shijimi Watanabe who is a high school classical literature teacher. Her students are mean to her but they don’t realize that she has another identity. Outside school she lies about her age to be active as the super popular 17-year-old idol Watanabe Mayu whom the students...
Jin Hyuk is a genius neurosurgeon with a cold and severe attitude in his interactions with other people due to his personal pursuit of perfection. Through a mysterious power Jin Hyuk finds himself transported back in time 150 years. He begins treating people there but the lack of necessary implements and rudimentary medical knowledge of the period forces him to seek new ways to aid the sick....
The drama is about the twists and turns that take place in the life of a clueless angel. She is accident-prone but impossible to...
Nakama Yukie plays the role of Rin who works at a publishing company and is someone who has not dated in 8 years. She has been too busy working and looking after her siblings after their parents passed away. Her colleagues and boss consider her difficult to handle because of her strong-willed personality. One day she goes to her best friends divorce celebration with Nanako who lives in the...
A God of Love is sent to Earth to help different people find their ideal couple. The series last for four episodes with four short...
A fantasy sitcom about a “gumiho†nine-tailed fox who can only become human if she eats 1000 human male livers. After consuming 999 male livers she tries to find the last liver of the male who truly loves...
Director: Josh Trank
Stars: Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly
Whilst attending a party three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Soon though they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker...
Patients are brought in one after the other. Being put in an environment where there is a race against time to save lives all they can do is stand there doing nothing. Though they still have a lot to grow as a doctor and as individuals will they be able to overcome adversity and one day be able to proudly identify themselves as being a doctor?...
Late blooming Sunflower –My life renewed- is a story of 7 young adults living their ordinary days near the Shimanto river of Kochi prefecture renowned as the last of the crystal clear streams. Somewhat nostalgic somewhat new they hold on to their dreams and insecurities. Its a true-to-life portrayal of the days in young adulthood. Kodaira Jotaro the main character played by Ikuta...
Kimura Takuya returns to Monday nights at Fuji TV as an ordinary salary man Kindaichi Fumio who is loved by colleagues and trusted for his ability to protect subordinates. One day however things take a 180 degree turn and his life becomes completely flipped upside down. His superiors fix their eyes on him and concoct a plot to bring him down. He is held responsible for a crime he has no...
A woman of unequaled beauty Konno Izumis Nanao looks cannot be described by words. With a perfectly balanced body and a lovable face she turns the heads of all men that she passes by and not only do the men turn around but they are struck by a cupid and his arrow who will most definitely come chasing after Izumi to ask her out. No is not an answer for these men and they will risk...
Director: Jonathan W.C. Mills
Stars: Rikk Agnew, Tony Alva, Jello Biafra, Rodney Bingenheimer
A Documentary about the rise of west coast punk rock in the 1970s featuring concert clips from Iggy Pop The Ramones Dead Kennedys Black Flag Circle Jerks and...
Director: Cyrill Boss, Philipp Stennert
Stars: Kristo Ferkic, Joanna Ferkic, Vijessna Ferkic, Christoph Maria Herbst
When Victor and his family move into his grand-uncles mysterious - and seemingly haunted - mansion the young boy detective makes it his mission to solve the case of a girl who went missing there forty years...
Director: Naoko Adachi
Stars: Masaki Nishiura, Ryo Tanaka
Oguri Shun plays Hyuga Toru an affluent man whose personality is on the contrary speckled with flaws. A CEO of an IT firm who is published on Forbes as a billionaire Toru attained his fortune through chance and pure luck. A woman who meets Toru and eventually becomes attracted to him is Sawaki Chihiro played by Ishihara Satomi. Chihiro is a hardworking college student at Tokyo University who...
Director: Manolito Motosierra
Stars: John Martino, Richard Lester, Ricardo Pastor, Garrick Tuitt
Lotus Cat Food is under new management and this time they have improved the recipe even...
Positive and daring in character and always living her life to the fullest Urara is a 19 year old girl who lives in Japan’s smallest prefecture Kagawa. On her birthday she learns that her father who she thought had died 15 years ago is alive somewhere in Tokyo. Urara cannot withhold her yearning to go look for him and withdraws her entire life savings to hop on a bus to head to the big...
Kim Boong Do is a scholar who had supported the reinstatement of Queen In Hyun when Jang heebins schemes resulted in her being deposed and replaced as King Sukjongs queen consort. With the help of a spell when he is in going to be killed in a fight he travels 300 years into the future of modern Seoul and meets Choi Hee Jin a no-name actress who is expecting a career renaissance through...
Fukada Kyoko plays the role of the main character Shinoda Kaori who works in the airport control tower as an air traffic controller. As a single small error of judgment can lead to a catastrophe air traffic controllers must be on alert at all times. And this is why it is considered to be one of the most difficult occupations in the world. This drama will portray the teamwork and struggles...
Certain circumstances have made 25-year-old Suzumiya Miki Inoue Mao desire secure employment. So she became a public servant. However her job is the most detested in the world. It is that of a national tax collector who collects taxes from those who default on payments. The special national tax collectors handle the worst of these cases. Miki is assigned to the Tokyo Regional Taxation...
Director: Jamie Meltzer
Stars: Brandon Darby, Scott Crow, Lisa Fithian, Caroline Heldman
A documentary on radical left-wing activist turned FBI informant Brandon...
Director: N/A
Stars: Ralph Backstrom, Chris Benchetler, Rory Bushfield, Sage Cattabriga-Alosa
Throughout history Alaska has been a place of dreams. From the early gold rush days to the rise of commercial fishing to the explosion of the ski and snowboard freeride movement people...
Director: Farnaz
Stars: Brandon Beemer, Gil Darnell, Sergio De La Vega, Shawn Tira
Luke Parker a brilliant young psychiatrist has always relied on analysis and logic. But his amazing mind cant fathom the call of his destiny. Lukes patient William Titus embodies why...
Director: Markus Imhoof
Stars: Fred Jaggi, Randolf Menzel, John Miller, Liane Singer
An in-depth look at honeybee colonies in California Switzerland China and...
Director: Ulrich Seidl
Stars: Maria Hofstätter, Nabil Saleh, Rene Rupnik, Natalya Baranova
Anna Maria a single woman in her 50s devotes her summer vacation to doing missionary work so that Austria may be brought back to the path of virtue. On her daily pilgrimage through...
Director: Johnny Bones
Stars: Alex Dobrenko, Nick Jimenez
Shannon and Allan are about to embark on one amazing road trip. Nothing can dampen their spirits... except for maybe the fact that their new GPS is actually an Alien Robot sent to take...