SummaryThe story centers around Saburou a high school boy who time-travels to Japans Sengoku Era. He must become Nobunaga Oda the famed warlord who helps unite...
Director: Kim Yong Soo, Park Jin Suk (박진ì„)
Stars: Kim Ok Bin, Uhm Tae Woong, Kim Young Chul, Choi Min Soo, Ohn Joo Wan
Director: Boo Sung Chul
Stars: Kim Tae Hee, Kang Min Ah, Yoo Ah In, Chae Sang Woo, Hong Soo Hyun, Jae Hee, Baek Seung Hwan, Lee Sang Yeob, Kwak Dong Yun, Han Seung Yeon
This drama tells the story of Jang Ok Jung known as Lady Jang Hee Bin one of Korea’s best known royal concubines of the Joseon Dynasty and famous for her hunger for power and ruthless plotting. However this drama will tell a completely new interpretation of the infamous royal concubine Lady Jang Hee Bin and show the story before she became concubine and how her involvement as a fashion...