The dark comedy revolves around the fierce god aide to the Great King Yama, Hoozuki. Calm and super-sadistic, he tries to resolve problems that often occur in Hell.
The interconnected stories of a writer a thief and two hit men trying to solve a...
Shiratori Nagisa is a pink haired singing idol continually badgered by her father to find new disciples for the family dojo. In an attempt to gain free-time as a normal kid she cuts her hair and cross-dresses as a high-school boy. Ootori Nagisa enrolls in a run-down school falling in love with a rival schools gang leader Nosaka Akira. She soon finds out Nosaka-kun is a fan of Nagisa - The...
HD7.091 m
In his remote Asian hideaway the evil Fu Manchu plots the death and discredit of his archrival Inspector Nayland Smith of Scotland Yard as the first step in his plan to become leader of...
HD7.096 m
Spoiled twelve-year-old Taras new best friend from next-door gets hired as a live-in babysitter but things soon go horribly wrong when Taras mom starts hitting the bottle and fighting with her...
HD7.0103 m
The interconnected stories of a writer a thief and two hit men trying to solve a...