The second season of Koneko no Chii: Ponponra Daibouken is an original story written by mangaka Kanata Konami with travel as...
Asta and Yuno were abandoned together at the same church and have been inseparable since. As children they promised that they would compete against each other to see who would become the next Emperor Magus. However as they grew up some differences between them became plain. Yuno was a genius with magic with amazing power and control while Asta could not use magic at all and tried to make up...
Nono Hana is an 8th grade student who wants to be a stylish and mature big sister like figure. She always puts on a lovely smile and loves to search for exciting things. One day Hana meets a baby named Hug-tan and her guardian fairy named Harry who had fallen from the sky. At that exact moment an evil organization called Dark Tomorrow suddenly appeared! Theyre trying to forcefully take...
In the franchises story Hayato Hayasugi his last name is a pun on the words for too fast the train-loving son of a train museum curator accidentally stumbles into his dads secret research lab one day. Inside he finds the E5 bullet train. As soon as he enters he hears an announcement that a mysterious enemy the Bachigami bee god is attacking the city of New Saitama. Luckily with...
The second season of Koneko no Chii: Ponponra Daibouken is an original story written by mangaka Kanata Konami with travel as...