Music connects the lives of random people living in Los...
Imamiya Fumino Kimura is a detective who deals with fraud and scam cases. She arrests Kaji Mahiro Takasugi who is involved in a voice phishing case. Imamiya and her colleagues do not know who is at the top of the voice phishing group. Detective Tezuka Kenichi Endo suggests that they should let Kaji walk free and see if he will lead them to the top of the...
Kazu Keisuke Ippei and Tadashi all work at the same advertising company and stay at the same company dormitory. They struggle to deal with their customers but they like working in advertising. Their only outlet to relieve their stress is to have dinner together on Fridays. ~~Based on webcomic series Koukoku Gaisha Danshi Ryou no Okazu-kun by...
HD7.0129 m
American security guard Richard Jewell Paul Walter Hauser saves thousands of lives from an exploding bomb at the 1996 Olympics but is vilified by journalists and the press who falsely report that he was a...
Music connects the lives of random people living in Los...