Emma must uncover the dark secret behind a cursed radio to survive and protect her...
Broadcasting club member Shihono Kobayashi always gushes to her friend Aoto Endou about MagiKoi an otome game where protagonist Fiene attends the Royal Academy of Magic. But despite the colorful cast the one character Kobayashi is most obsessed with is the villainess Lieselotte Riefenstahl. Contrary to her rude remarks toward Fiene Lieselotte longs to be her friend. Lieselotte is also deeply...
After performing in their final middle school judo tournament Michi and Sanae begin high school and walk in on Michis final opponent fighting to save their new high schools judo...
HD7.0117 m
A squad of soldiers is stranded on an abandoned military base on a near future Earth waiting for the relief or the enemy whichever comes...
HD7.093 m
Emma must uncover the dark secret behind a cursed radio to survive and protect her...