HD 30 minutes
Digimon Fusion: Season 2 - EPISODE 6
Stars: Ben Diskin, Nicolas Roye
Digimon Fusion is the all-new animated series and sixth installment of the Digimon franchise, the longest-running Japanese anime property. The series will feature all-new Digimon action and excitement following Mikey, a human boy, who is transported into the digital realm and must team up with his new Digimon or Digital Monster friends before their world is deleted once and for all. New fusion powers allow Digimon to combine and fuse their abilities to create endless battle possibilities.
HD 30 minutes
HD 92 m
Director: Alastair Orr
Stars: Brandon Auret, Clive Gilson, Craig Hawks
Everyone has an Expiration Date. Four applicants with their own hidden agendas are accepted by a mysterious corporation to participate in a medical experiment at an isolated testing facility. With no instructions and no supplies the human lab rats must fend for themselves and figure out what part of the experiment each one is playing. When the corporation becomes aware that a pregnant intruder...
FHD 1h55m