Never Give Up Magical Girl Kurumi - EPISODE 14
The anime centers around Kurumi Azuchimomoyama, a normal 14-year-old girl who attends Egaogaoka Middle School. One day, an angel named "Devilun" that looks like a Tasmanian devil appears before her, and grants her the power to be the beautiful magical girl dinosaur angel warrior "Prima Angel," and tells her to fight the evil "Darkness Whales" organization. She proceeds to indiscriminately take out Darkness Whales members with weapons that stink of blood. The protagonists are three boy classmates of Kurumi who watch the entire thing while not really doing anything.
HD 10
Uketsuke No Jo (2022)
Director: Nakakuki Tsuyoshi
Stars: Jinguji Yuta
Jo Takumi has worked as a salesman for an advertising company for the past 3 years. He seems confident but he actually tries hard to live up to expectations of those around him. His plan to digitize the reception desk which he thought wouldnt be approved is surprisingly greenlit. Jo Takumi is then placed in charge of laying off people who work at the reception desk. He faces strong opposition...
FHD 1h55m